Article Ghost Writer Tips - How To Connect With The Reader

Good marketing articles need to connect with the reader. What separates a professional article ghostwriter from somebody writing web content to earn a little beer money is this ability. It's not something you're born with, but something you have to work on and refine over time. If an article ghostwriter can make a connection with the reader, you'll have them reading all the way to the resource box and clicking for more. Here are some ways to do this.

Watch Your Language

The tone of your articles should be conversational and informal. Imagine that you're talking to a friend. They say that the average web surfer reads at about the level of an 8thgrader. I think this is cynical and a little insulting; rather than talking "down" to the reader, I write the way that I talk, using informal language and explaining everything in layman's terms.

Mistake newbies all too often make is using language that's overly formal. It's because of all those book reports and essays you had to write in school; your teacher always said to use an objective tone, no sentence fragments, no contractions, etc. Of course, you want your articles to be free of errors, but just chuck all that book report stuff out the window. Talk with your keyboard.

Understand Your Reader

Before you tackle a niche, you should understand who is going to be reading it. Know your reader, and you'll know just how to connect with them. Why are they reading your article? I just saw an article about Forex trading written in the tone of a physics textbook. I fell asleep halfway through the title. The problem is that the writer doesn't know their audience. If someone wants to get into Forex trading, they're highly motivated to make money and maybe even a little greedy. You've got to appeal to that side, as well as offering them the factual information the article should contain.

Identify Pain And Solve The Problem

The key to connecting is to identify your reader's problem. Throughout the article, offer some good solutions to help them. The problem can be some type of pain, or it could simply be a question in their mind, and you're helping to answer it. Your article will be only 400 words or so, so don't try to tackle the whole thing from top to bottom. Just give them something of value that they can use; this offers them a taste of what they'll get at your site.

Every article ghostwriter must understand how to connect with the reader in order for their articles to be a success. The more you write, the better you get at identifying the questions in your reader's mind and helping them to solve them.


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