How to be More Positive: 6 Simple Ways

Coming up with ways on how to be more positive has been challenging for us all lately. With the COVID-19 pandemic, unemployment and the economic shutdown, that’s no surprise. 

But we know as entrepreneurs, authors, small business owners and executives how important positive thinking is to our success in being able to make sales and produce quality products so we can help make a better work… and pay our bills.  

A hard-pressed fact when it comes to succeeding in business, we have to stay positive or risk losing everything

Positive Thinking How To

So where do we find inspiration and positive thinking how to measures to keep us upbeat and productive? Here are 3 ways to think positive:


Certainly, reading positive thinking quotes are one of the quickest ways to cheer ourselves up. 

There is something effective and instantaneous about about positive thinking quotes—reading something hope-filled—that give us a better outlook on things.  

Remember that what we think, we are. We are greatly affected by what we ourselves think. So seek out positive thinking quotes  at places like Goodreads and other places on the Internet. for instance, has 11 moving quotes about the power of positive thinking quotes.

You can find positive thinking quotes everywhere: office supply stores and big box stores often times in frames within the office furniture section. Gift shops have lots of wonderful sayings on driftwood, on mugs or in frames.  


Don’t sit idle. Stagnant water becomes undrinkable in just minutes. Like clean, crystal water flowing down a stream, motion and activity keep us in higher spirits. 

In fact, PRODUCTIVITY is the secret to health and happiness through purpose and the sense of accomplishment. 

Being productive raises our sense of survival and causation—being on control, not the effect of whatever is happening around us. 

Productivity is the “best-kept secret” of happy individuals who are making BIG IMPACT in the world. They seem to go un-phased by the constant negativity being pumped into society through the news media. 

For one thing, they’re too busy creating good results. But more than that, being productive not only increases your survival potential, it gives a sense of well-being. In my opinion, work is a drug-free solution to depression. 

In any case, to the degree you increase your productivity, you increase your success


Like I said, negative people do nothing, they only complain. The solve no problems but only add to the current problems of life, and they create new ones all the time. 

Negative people and groups are poison. What groups? Take a look around and see who is spreading bad news and complaining all the time. You will see individuals and the groups they uphold or work for. 

They alter what really happened or was said. They seek out ways how they can spin something positive into something horrific. These people and groups are killing our society, bringing us all down and pitting us against each other.  

Much closer to home, we have “friends” who enjoy passing on the negativity they’ve heard or read recently. 


This means getting out of the negativity loop. Stop watching or listening to the news media. And for goodness sakes, stop talking to people who spread negativity. Your health, success and happiness depend on it.


Getting your body moving is great for changing your mood and raising your thoughts. This is how to be more positive and happy. You don’t have to run a marathon or swim across the English Channel to make that kind of change…you can just step up, take a walk, do some jumping jacks, or dance. That’s right … dance. Try turning on your favorite music and moving and grooving for a few minutes; see if you’re feeling negative afterwards.


How to be a more positive person involves taking a proactive approach. Build a list of gratitude. Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for. Having trouble coming up with a list? How about your breath, your pulse, your sight, and all the other basic amenities we take for granted. Once your start writing your list out, you will find that it snowballs and fills your mind with positivity.


How to be more positive in life? Take stock of the vocabulary and phrases you use regularly. Eliminate negative phrases and words from your lexicon, and watch your thoughts change as well. You should also take note of your body language and posture. Avoid slouching, and above all, smile! 

There are plenty of ways to remain positive and optimistic. These are just 6 quick and simple ways. If you look for them, you will find even more all around you. With your negative people out of the way, the rest of your positive friends will be sure to share their positivity with you. Interesting, isn’t it?

Being positive is part and parcel to success. Like food, water and air, being positive in thought empowers you.

Remember that negativity comes from people who do nothing—they ONLY complain. Staying productive keeps us away from the negativity of others by focusing on getting things accomplished. And as you work to produce something or complete a task, it feels great!

The post How to be More Positive: 6 Simple Ways appeared first on Writer Services.


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