Amazing Facts About Success

There are amazing facts about success that you have likely not been told.

Facts About Being Successful

True success is the most intricate, challenging, elusive aspiration in life; and the most misunderstood of all desirable things. 

It’s the grand slam in baseball and winning the pennant. It’s making it to the playoffs and winning the Super Bowl in football…. 

For the individual, it is getting to a point in your life where you’ve achieved the more important things. But that in no way means having more wins than losses.

True success is something that holds; it has staying power long-term. But visually on a statistical graph, its line has peaks and valleys, with an overall average line angling upward.

Creating successful long-term growth requires a deep level of understanding of what

In fact, when we are on our way to achieving great things, we can often feel like we’re failing miserably, IF we put more attention on the wrong things.

If Babe Ruth had obsessed over how many times he struck out, or if a billionaire concentrated on the number of times s/he lost money, or if Payton Manning had worried about how many interceptions he threw in a previous game… their stellar outcomes would have been very different.

One reason for success’ elusiveness is because it is disguised as failure.

Success is Failure by Any Other Name

The first thing to know is that success has the appearance of failure. This is because of how many times we do not achieve what we set out to do. 

The truth is, success requires the brutal runway of a sequence of failures. But it only looks like failure, and it is NOT failure at all, but the path to success. 

The two things that cause most people to give up on their dreams:

  1. Having incorrect expectations
  2. Giving a rat’s ass what others think.

These are the most prominent and most lethal of all dream killers.


Incorrect expectation causes you to think you’re doing terribly when you are, in fact, well on your way to having exactly what you want in your life. Thinking it will happen sooner than it really takes causes a false sense of failure.

This ties into understanding that succeeding at something always looks like failure during the journey. But also realizing that it takes persistence and patience. Success comes to those who remain steadfast in their goals and intentions. 

And just as important is taking notice of your achievements and remaining positive.

Worrying What Others Might Say

Succeeding at anything is hard enough, but when it comes to critics, success becomes almost impossible if we let them bother us.

Having great concern about what your colleagues might think or say is even more insidious to dreams.

When you worry about what others might think or will say about you, you become their slave. Every thought, idea and action you make is tainted, and you personally oppress them all in fear of being ridiculed.

Know this…


None of us are free from ridicule, but we have to be impervious to it. 

The Power of Empathy

Understanding why people make fun of others is helpful for anyone who wants to make great things happen, if we are to save ourselves from being wardens of our own self-erected prison cells.

Empathy is a very rare quality that only the doers of this world have the luxury of suffering; it is an ability you acquire through experience.

Empathy is an ability to feel what others feel. It is a super-power of great entrepreneurs.

In order to be able to have it requires that you have walked in similar shoes and struggled to a similar degree as someone else.

Anyone who would criticize another for trying to do something constructive has never tried to do something constructive. Or they failed and now are resentful that someone else might try and actually succeed, which would make them feel pretty bad about themselves. Again, the power of empathy at its finest here. 

But to have walked a similar path as another requires a great many rare qualities most people simply cannot muster. 

Things like braveness, passion, duty, burning desire, caring for others… are what drive us to obsess over making a better world even though there are so many risks. These qualities are what drive us to do admirable things no matter the consequences.

The Thick Skin Required for Success

Understanding (having empathy for) why people ridicule can help with remaining unaffected.

So the next time a colleague laughs at your “failures” to build your empire, remind yourself that you are well on your way to succeeding and that they simply are not as brave, passionate, dutiful, desirous, caring… as you, and that’s okay.

Ignorance is what makes some people laugh when they see you try to do something worthwhile. Maybe they think it should happen overnight. But that’s just part of having no idea what it takes to make something great… because they never really tried themselves.

You can’t worry about what others think of you or what you’ve not yet accomplished.

You can’t afford a lot of things when you’re striving to create an empire. One of those things is most definitely worrying about people who just don’t know any better. They have no idea what they’re doing, and you scare the hell out of them.

There are many facets to creating successful long term growth. These have been a few that you, for whatever reason, won’t ever hear much about. But they will make or break your dreams.


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